Code of Conduct - Players

Players Code of Conduct 
(as written in our Policy and Procedures)
  1.  I will play hockey because I want to, not because others or coaches want me to.

  2.  I will play by the rules of hockey and in the spirit of the Game.

  3.  I will control my temper - fighting, "mouthing-off", or throwing/breaking of equipment can spoil the activity of everyone.

  4.  I will treat other players, as I would like to be treated. 

  5.  I will work equally hard for my team and myself - my team's performance will benefit and so will my own. 

  6.  I will remember that winning isn't everything - that having fun, improving skills, making friends and doing my best are also important.

  7.  I will acknowledge all good players and performances - those of my team and my opponents.

  8.  I will remember that coaches and officials are there to help me. I will accept their decisions and show them respect.

  9.  I will remember that I am representing the Seaway Valley Rapids Minor Hockey Association and my home association. Off-ice behavior is equally important as on-ice conduct. 

  10.  I will not consume any alcohol beverages or illegal narcotics as a member of the Seaway Valley Rapids Minor Hockey Association.

  11.  Common courtesy and good manners will govern all my actions.