Executive Positions - Open

Ice Scheduler

The Seaway Valley Minor Hockey Association (SVMHA) is currently looking for an Ice Scheduler to join its Executive Committee. This volunteer position can be time consuming, particularly at the start of the season, therefore the SVMHA is offering a $100 per week for Ice Scheduler.

Job description:

  • Shall coordinate and oversee all ice times with AA/A teams

  • Shall verify and approve all ice and referee invoices and promptly send to the Treasurer for payment.

  • Prior to each playing season, establish an ice allocation planner so as to maximize the management of ice times.

  • Shall determine the ice requirements for each SVMHA team.

  • Distribute equally and surplus or additional ice available to SVMHA (re: ice draft)

  • Booking referees for U9A through U12AA games


We also have these positions that are open right now.

  •  Vice-President
  • -Director at Large

If you would like to join the Executive Committee and help us reach our goal of providing a fun and competitive hockey program for our players, please put your name forward by sending an email to our President, Rob Lamarche at seawaypresident@gmail.com